
We welcome your support donations–thank you!

There are many ways to support the Monroe Community Library, from monetary donations and bequests to donations of books and other materials.

We can receive monetary donations by cash or check and will acknowledge your gift with a letter for tax purposes. We are happy to provide donors of library materials with a receipt, if requested, though we cannot assign a monetary value to donated materials.

Books and Audio/Visual Materials
The library welcomes gifts and donations of these materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection if they meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials. The library does not accept encyclopedias, Readers Digest condensed books, mass market paperbacks, magazines, or older audiovisual formats (e.g. VHS or cassette tapes).

If donations are not needed because of duplication, condition, dated information, or other reasons, the library reserves the right to dispose of them in the best interest of the library. For more information, please see our please see our Materials Selection Policy.

Objects and Historical Material
The library cannot accept as a gift any item or objects if the condition of acceptance requires permanent exhibition or requires that the items or objects be kept together permanently or as a separate physical entity.  Please contact the library if you wish to donate historical materials relating to the Town of Monroe or its residents.

Donor Privacy
Any information supplied to the library by donors will be used only in conjunction with their donation and will not be shared for any reason unless the donor grants permission. All requests to remain anonymous will be honored.

Monroe Community Library Needlepoint by

~ Needlepoint by Marge Sheridan